Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Dispenser Keys – A Perfect Solutions

Being a custodial engineer, a nice way of saying janitor, there are many challenges to ensure excellence.  Since I work for the local school system it is important to optimize on various discounts offered to institutions for cleaning and sanitation items, like cleaning supplies and paper products.  The community in which I work is quite lovely and the people are very involved in the raising of the children.  However, there are the trouble makers who leave their mark by damaging things which are not in plain view.  A few weeks back we had to remove some graffiti in the bathroom.  Annoying yes, but no one was harmed and the message was not offensive.  While that is manageable when it comes to the tissue and paper towel dispensers it can get expensive very quickly.  Thus, it is imperative that we have child proof dispensers which can be maintained with minimal man hours.  There really isn’t anything out there that is unbreakable it is mandatory that we try to find the most resilient dispensers available and have a company that has replacement part and more importantly replacement keys.
The problem with many of the companies I have worked with in the past is that their staff has not been knowledgeable about the products or they were simply not terribly professional.  This is not acceptable to me or to my boss, who demands the best and accepts nothing less.  Because the companies we have dealt with in the past did not pass muster a change was in order.  As well, the school was budgeted for upgrading the lavatories and the school board wanted to make sure that any company being considered have discounts available for bulk orders and school districts.  Needless to say, I had to make a lot of phone calls.  Finally, when I found Dispenser Keys it was clear that they were the right choice.  Not only did they offer discounts for bulk orders and school districts, they also had replacement key options.  Dispenser Keys offered solutions to basic needs and they had a knowledgeable staff to offer assistance when needed.

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